What are Products?
A product is an item offered for sale. It can be sold individually as a standalone item or as a component of a bundle product or both.
A Product Bundle is a combination of several products or services that are sold to consumers as one combined product or service package.
Salesforce CPQ enables Administrators and Product Managers to configure various types of product offerings and services using out-of-the-box features.
Product Fields
Field Label | Type | Description |
Asset Conversion | Picklist | Determines how quote lines for this product are converted to assets. Select either One Quote per Line or One Quote per Unit. |
Batch Quantity | Number (10,2) | Quantity in one batch for products sold in batches. Quantity entered in quote line is divided by this value and rounded up to the nearest integer. |
Block Pricing Field | Picklist | Field used to calculate block pricing. |
Component | Checkbox | Marks this product as a component, excluding it from selection in product lookup. |
Compound Discount (%) | Percent(5, 3) | Discount rate compounded by quantity. |
Configuration Event | Picklist | Choose an option to control when Configure Products screen shows up for this product.
Configuration Fields | Long Text Area | Additional fields collected during configuration of this product. All these fields must exist on Product Option and Quote Line objects. |
Configuration Field Set | Picklist | Choose the field set that is used for this product during configuration. |
Configuration Form Title | Text(100) | Title of the configuration form rendered from specified configuration fields. |
Configuration Type | Picklist | Choose the configuration type of this product:
Configuration Validator | Long Text Area | JavaScript function used to validate configuration of this product. |
Configured Code Pattern | Text(255) | Pattern used to generate product code (SKU) for configured products. |
Configured Description Pattern | Rich Text Area | Pattern used to generate dynamic product description for configured products. |
Cost Editable | Checkbox | Controls whether cost for this product may be modified on individual quotes. |
Cost Schedule | Lookup(Discount Schedule) | Discount schedule for used as a Cost Schedule with this product. |
Custom Configuration Page | Text(40) | |
Custom Configuration Required | Checkbox | |
Customer Community Availability | Picklist | Select how this product should be available in Customer Communities.
Default Quantity | Number(13, 5) | Specifies the starting quantity of the product when added. |
Default Pricing Table (v24.2) | Picklist | Select the pricing table this product should appear in by default when price dimensions are defined.
Disable Reconfiguration | Checkbox | Flag that disables re-configuration of this product.If selected, users will not have access to a Configure link on the Edit Lines page after product has been added. |
Discount Schedule | Lookup(Discount Schedule) | Discount schedule for use with this product. |
Dynamic Pricing Constraint | Picklist | Specifies constraints on dynamically-calculated pricing.
Exclude From Percent of Total | Checkbox | Salesforce doesn’t use this product when calculating the price of a Percent of Total product on the same quote. Use this field only on a covered product. |
Exclude From Opportunity | Checkbox | Indicates that this product should be excluded from transfer to the Opportunity. |
Generate Contracted Price | Picklist | Choose Yes to auto-generate a contracted price on an Account when the Opportunity is contracted. |
Has Configuration Attributes | Checkbox | Checks to see if this product has configuration attributes. |
Hidden | Checkbox | Excludes this product from appearing on the quote PDF. |
Hide Price in Search Results | Checkbox | Indicates whether the product price should be displayed in the Product Search Results. |
Include in Percent of Total | Checkbox | Check to Include products in percent-of-total calculations that are normally excluded (for example: subscription products). |
Lock Description | Checkbox | Flag that indicates this product's description is locked (not editable on the quote). |
New Quote Group | Checkbox | Create a new quote group when this product is added (unless the current group is empty). |
Non Discountable | Checkbox | Marks this product as non-discountable. |
Non Partner Discountable | Checkbox | Check to make this product non-discountable for partners. |
Optional | Checkbox | Select if this product is optional by default. Optional products don't contribute to quote total or get transferred to the opportunity. |
Option Layout | Picklist | Choose how to present options to users. |
Option Selection Method | Picklist | Determines how options are presented to users:
Percent of Total (%) | Percent(4,3) | A Percent of Total product’s price is this percentage of the total list price of its covered products. |
Percent of Total Base | Picklist | Define whether your Percent of Total product calculates its price based on the list price, net price, customer price, or regular price of its covered products. If you don’t choose a value, calculations default to the list price. |
Percent of Total Category | Picklist | A Percent of Total product with a category calculates its price based only on covered products with the same category. You can add any values to this picklist. For example, if you want a hardware maintenance Percent of Total product to cover only hardware products, set the Percent of Total Category to Hardware on the Percent of Total product and all your hardware products. |
Percent of Total Constraint | Picklist | Define whether your Percent of Total product limits its maximum or minimum calculated price to its own list price. This field is useful to account for quantities of covered products that are much larger or smaller than usual. |
Percent of Total Target | Lookup(Product) | Your Percent of Total product can calculate its price based off this product instead of any other product on your quote. This field is useful in situations where you don’t want to base your Percent of Total product’s price off its subscribed asset. |
Price Editable | Checkbox | Indicates that this product allows for price to be freely editable when building a quote. |
Pricing Method | Picklist | Apply a pricing method to this product.
Pricing Method Editable | Checkbox | Specifies whether Pricing Method may be changed when this product is added to quote. |
Product Picture ID | Text(18) | ID of Document or Content record that holds the picture for this product. |
Quantity Editable | Checkbox | Allow or prevent changing the quantity for this product. |
Quantity Scale | Number(1, 0) | Specifies the number of decimal places used in the Quantity field. |
Renewal Product | Lookup(Product) | Product that replaces this product on renewal. Use this to quote a different SKU when renewing. |
Sort Order | Number(18,0) | Determines a default sort order of products in the Product Lookup page, and therefore the order in which they are added to the quote. |
Specifications | Rich Text Area(32000) | Formatted specifications for this product for use in quote templates to produce spec sheets. |
Subscription Pricing | Picklist | Type of pricing to use for this subscription, either None,Fixed Price orPercent of Total.Nonemeans this product is not a subscription. |
Subscription Term | Number(5, 0) | Term length of this subscription. Only applicable if the product is a subscription. |
Subscription Type | Picklist | Select the type of Subscription, either Renewal, One-time, Renewable/Evergreen, or Evergreen. Renewable subscriptions transfer to renewal quotes. One-time subscriptions will not. This will determine whether the product is renewable and has the option to be evergreen during the quoting process. |
Taxable | Checkbox | Indicates whether this product is taxable. |
Term Discount Level | Picklist | Specify subscription term level that should be used in calculating term discount. Leave blank to indicate default. |
Term Discount Schedule | Lookup(Discount Schedule) | Specify subscription term level that should be used in calculating term discount. Leave blank to indicate default. |
Upgrade Credit | Lookup(Product) | Use to specify credit when quoting upgrades to this product. |
Upgrade Source | Lookup(Product) | Product being upgraded. Populating this field makes this product an upgrade. |
Upgrade Target | Lookup(Product) | Specify the upgraded product. Only applicable if this product is an upgrade as indicated by Upgrade From field being populated. |
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