Working with Product Features in Salesforce CPQ

What are Product Features?

A product can be sold individually as a standalone item or as a component of a bundle product or both. Product Options represent the component products available for selection at the time of bundle configuration. Product Options having similar characteristics can be grouped together using a Product Feature.

A bundle can have many Product Features under it, one for each group of product options.

One Product Option can be added to a single Product Feature only. You need to create multiple Product Options for the same Product if you want to add it under multiple Product Features. 

Product Feature Fields

Field LabelType DescriptionOther Info
Feature NameText
CategoryPicklistAssign this feature to a category such that multiple features with related options are grouped together.Picklist Values:
Hardware/ Software
Configuration Field SetPicklistThe API name of the field set that will be used for this feature during configuration.Picklist Values:
Configured SKULookup-ProductThe product bundle that includes this feature. If you created the feature from the product detail page, this should already be populated.
Discount ScheduleLookup-Discount ScheduleDiscount schedule to be applied to the product selected by all options in this feature. This overrides discount schedule selected on the product.
Dynamic Option Filter Field SetPicklistThe API name of the field set that will be used when filtering dynamic options for this feature during configuration.Picklist Values:
Dynamic Option Lookup Field SetPicklistThe API name of the field set that will be used when viewing dynamic options for this feature during configuration.Picklist Values:
Max OptionsNumberMaximum number of options for this feature that can be selected as part of the product bundle.
Min OptionsNumberMinimum number of options for this feature that must be part of the product bundle.
NumberNumberA sequential number that determines how the features are sorted in the related list on the product.
Option Selection MethodPicklistDetermines how user selects options attached to this product. Click" method presents options with checkboxes next to them. "Add" renders a button which brings up predefined options. "Dynamic" renders a button which brings up all active products."Picklist Values:
Click/ Add/ Dynamic